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Sunday, 22 July 2012

Taxability on Services relating to agriculture or agricultural produce

1. Following services relating to agriculture or agricultural produce are specified in the negative list:
    1.  Agricultural operations directly related to production of any agricultural produce including cultivation, harvesting, threshing, plant protection or seed testing;
         2.  Supply of farm labour;
       3.  Processes carried out at the agricultural farm including tending, pruning, cutting, harvesting, drying cleaning, trimming, sun drying, fumigating, curing, sorting, grading, cooling or bulk packaging and such like operations which do not alter essential characteristics of agricultural produce but makes it only marketable for the primary market;
       4.  Renting of agro machinery or vacant land with or without a structure incidental to its use;
       5. Loading, unloading, packing, storage and warehousing of agricultural produce;
       6.  agricultural extension services;
       7.  services provided by any Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee or Board or services provided by commission agent for sale or purchase of agricultural produce.

2. Definition  of 'agriculture'
'Agriculture' has been defined in the Act as cultivation of plants and rearing or breeding of animals and other species of life forms for foods, fibre, fuel, raw materials or other similar products but does not include rearing of horses.

 3. Definition of ‘agricultural produce’.
Agricultural produce has also been defined in the Act which means any produce of agriculture on which either no processing is done or such processing is done as is usually done by a cultivator or producer which does not alter its essential characteristics but makes it marketable for primary market.
The process also includes specified processes in the definition like tending, pruning, grading, sorting etc. which may be carried out at the farm or elsewhere as long as they do not alter the essential characteristics.

 4. Definition of ‘ agricultural extension services’
Agricultural extension services have been defined in the Act as application of scientific research and knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education or training.

 5. Some illustrations:
1. Potato chips or tomato ketchup are manufactured through processes which alter the essential characteristic of farm produce (potatoes and tomatoes in this case).Therefore it is not an agricultural produce.
2. Cleaning of wheat would be covered in the negative list entry even if the same is done outside the farm.
3. Shelling of paddy would not be covered in the negative list entry relating to agriculture as this process is never done on a farm but in a rice sheller normally located away from the farm.
(However, if shelling is done by way of a service i.e. on job work then the same would be covered under the exemption relating to 'carrying out of intermediate production process as job work in relation to agriculture'.)
4. Agricultural products like cereals, pulses, copra and jaggery be still be covered in the ambit of 'agricultural produce' even though  on these products certain amount of processing is done by a person other than a cultivator or producer because such processing is done as is usually done by the cultivator or producer which does not alter essential characteristics of agricultural produce but make it marketable for primary market'.

5. Processes of grinding, sterilizing, extraction packaging in retail packs of agricultural products, which make the agricultural products marketable in retail market, would not be covered in the negative list, because only such processes are covered in the negative list which makes agricultural produce marketable in the primary market.

6. Leasing of vacant land with a green house or a storage shed meant for agricultural produce is covered in the negative list.

7. Activities like breeding of fish (pisciculture), rearing of silk worms (sericulture), cultivation of ornamental flowers (floriculture) and horticulture, forestry are coming under the definition of agriculture and is covered in the negative list.

8. Plantation crops like rubber, tea or coffee be also covered under agricultural produce and is covered in the negative list.

 6. Services referred to in the negative list entry pertaining to Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee or Board.
a. Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees or Boards are set up under a State Law for purpose of regulating the marketing of agricultural produce.
b. Such marketing committees or boards have been set up in most of the States and provide a variety of support services for facilitating the marketing of agricultural produce by provision of facilities and amenities like, sheds, water, light, electricity, grading facilities etc.
c. They also take measures for prevention of sale or purchase of agricultural produce below the minimum support price. APMCs collect market fees, license fees, rents etc.
d. Services provided by such Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee or Board are covered in the negative list.
e. Services are Taxable if any service provided by such bodies which is not directly related to agriculture or agricultural produce. e.g. renting of shops or other property.


Thursday, 19 July 2012

Exemption of specified services provided by the Indian Railways , Notification No. 43/2012-Service Tax dt 2nd July, 2012

1. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 93 of the Finance Act 1994.

Exempts the following  taxable services provided by the Indian Railways from the whole of service tax, upto and including the 30th  day of September, 2012.

Sl. No.
Description of taxable services 
Service of transportation of passengers, with or without accompanied belongings, by railways in --
(A)   first class; or
(B)   an air conditioned coach
Services by way of transportation of goods by railways

Exemption on certain specified services received by exporter of goods, Notification No 42/2012 – S.T, dt 29th June, 2012

1. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 93 of the Finance Act, 1994

2. This notification shall come into force on the 1st day of July, 2012.

Exempts the taxable service received by an exporter of goods and used for export of goods, on specified services (specified in column (2) of the Table below) from the service tax.

However the exemption is limited  to ten per cent of the free on board value of export goods for which the said specified service has been used,

 However subject to the conditions specified in column (3) of the said Table, namely:-
Description of the taxable service
(Specified service)
Service provided by a commission agent located outside India and engaged under a contract or agreement or any other document by the exporter in India, to act on behalf of the exporter, to cause sale of goods exported by him.

(1) The exporter shall declare the amount of commission paid or payable to the commission agent in the shipping bill or bill of export, as the case may be.

(2) The exemption shall be limited to the service tax calculated on a value of ten per cent of the free on board value of export goods for which the said service has been used.

(3) The exemption shall not be available on the export of canalised item, project export, or export financed under lines of credit extended by the Government of India or EXIM Bank, or export made by Indian partner in a company with equity participation in an overseas joint venture or wholly owned subsidiary.

(4) The exporter shall submit with the half-yearly return after certification of the same as specified in clause (g) of the proviso—

(i) the original documents showing actual payment of commission to the commission agent; and

(ii) a copy of the agreement or contract entered into between the commission agent located outside India and the exporter in relation to sale of export goods outside India:

 (a) the exemption shall be available only to an exporter who,-

(i) informs the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, having jurisdiction over the factory or the regional office or the head office, as the case may be, in Form EXP3 appended to this notification, before availing the said exemption;

(ii) is registered with an export promotion council sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce or the Ministry of Textiles, as the case may be;

(iii) is a holder of Import-Export Code Number;

(iv) is registered under section 69 of the said Act;

(v) is liable to pay service tax under sub-section (2) of section 68 of said Act, read with item (G) of sub-clause (i) of clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule 2 of the Service Tax Rules,1994, for the specified service;

(b) the invoice, bill or challan, or any other document by whatever name called issued by the service provider to the exporter, on which the exporter intends to avail exemption, shall be issued in the name of the exporter.

 (c) the exporter availing the exemption shall file the return in Form EXP4, every six months of the financial year, within fifteen days of the completion of the said six months;

(d) the exporter shall submit with the half yearly return, after certification, the documents in original specified in clause (b) and the certified copies of the documents specified in column (3) of the said Table;

(e) the documents enclosed with the return shall contain a certification from the exporter or the authorized person, to the effect that specified service to which the document pertains, has been received and used for export of goods by mentioning the specific shipping bill number on the said document.

(f) where the exporter is an individual or a  proprietorship concern or an HUF or a  partnership firm, the documents enclosed with the return shall be certified by the exporter himself and where the exporter is any other person, the documents enclosed with the return shall be certified by the person authorized by the Board of Directors or any other competent person;

(g) where the amount of commission charged in respect of the specified service exceeds ten per cent. of the free on board value of the export then, the service tax shall be paid within the period specified under rule 6 of the Service Tax Rules, 1994, on such amount, which is  in excess of the said ten  per cent;

Form EXP3

[See item (
i) of clause (a) of proviso ]
(to be filled in by the office of jurisdictional Assistant / Deputy Commissioner)
The Deputy Commissioner /Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise
I/We intend to avail of the exemption from service tax under Notification No. …/2012-ST, dated ….June, 2012 in respect of services provided by a commission agent located outside India, which have been used for export of goods and the relevant particulars are as follows :
1. Name of the exporter………
2. Service Tax Registration No……….
3. Division ……… Commissionerate ……………
4 Membership No. the Export Council………….
5 Name of the Export Council…………
6. Address of the registered / head office of exporter:……..
7. Tel. No. and e-mail ID of the exporter……..:
8. Import -Export Code No…………..
9. Details of Bank Account (Name of Bank, branch address and account number)……..
I/we undertake that I/we shall comply with the conditions laid down in the said notification and in case of any change in aforementioned particulars; I/We shall intimate the same.
Signature and full address of Exporter
(Affix stamp)
Receipt (to be given by office of Assistant Commissioner/ Deputy Commissioner having jurisdiction) Received Form EXP1 dated --/--/-- submitted by __________( name of the exporter). The said intimation is accepted and given acknowledgment No. _____( S. No. Above)
For Assistant, / Deputy Commissioner

Form  EXP4
[See clause (c) of proviso]
The Deputy Commissioner /Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise
I/We have availed of exemption of service tax under Notification No. …/2012-ST, dated ……, 2012 in respect of services provided by a commission agent, located outside India and have used the same for export of goods and the relevant particulars are as follows:
1. Name of the exporter………..
2. Address of the registered / head office of exporter…………
3. Tel. No. and e-mail ID of the exporter……..:
4. Service Tax Registration No…….
5. Division ……… Commissionerate ……………
6. Membership No. Of the Export Council………
7. Import Export Code No…………..
8. Name of the Export Council………..
9. Details of Bank Account (Name of Bank, branch address and account number)……..


Details of goods exported (on which exemption of service tax availed) during the six months ending on…………………………..

Details of Shipping Bill/ Bill of export (Please enclose self attested copy of Shipping Bill or Bill of Export) and Details of goods exported (in case of exports of more than one commodity, please fill in the proforma, commodity-wise)


Date of Let
export order
Export invoice no
Description of goods exported
Quantity (please mention the unit)
FOB value (in rupees in lakh)

Table- B
Details of specified service used for export of goods, covered under the Shipping Bill or Bill of Export mentioned in Table A in respect of which the exemption has been availed during the six months ending on…………………………..
Details of documents attached showing the use of such service for export, the details of which are mentioned in Table A (self attested)
Total amount of service tax
claimed as exemption
(rupees in

Name of service provider
Address of service provider
Invoice No.

9. Declaration:-
I / We hereby declare that-
(i) I have complied with all the conditions mentioned in Notification No. …/2012-ST, dated …. June, 2012;
(ii) the information given in this application form is true, correct and complete in every respect and that I am authorised to sign on behalf of the exporter;
(iii) no CENVAT credit of service tax paid on the specified service used for export of said goods taken under the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004;
(iv) I / we, am/ are enclosing all the required documents. Further, I understand that failure to file the return within stipulated time or non-enclosure of the required document, duly certified, would debar me/us for the refund claimed aforesaid.
Signature and full address of Exporter
(Affix stamp)
Enclosures: as above