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Friday, 13 July 2012

Exemption on services provided to SEZ authorised operations Notification No. 40 / 2012-Service Tax dt 20th June 2012

1. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 93 (1) of section 93 of the Finance Act, 1994
2. In supersession of the notification No. 17/2011-Service Tax, dated the 1st March, 2011.
3. This notification shall come into force on the 1st day of July, 2012.

Exempts the services on which service tax is leviable received by a unit located in a Special Economic Zone or Developer of SEZ and used for the authorised operations.

4. Conditions for Exemption

 (a) the exemption shall be provided by way of refund of service tax paid on the specified services.

(1) However if the specified services received in SEZ and used for the authorised operations are wholly consumed within the SEZ, the person liable to pay service tax has the option not to pay the service tax

It shall be considered as wholly consumed if  such specified services received by the unit of a SEZ or the developer and used for the authorised operations, where the place of provision determinable in accordance with the Place of Provision of Services Rules, 2012 ( POP rules) is as under:-

i) in respect of services specified in rule 4 of the POP Rules, the place where the services are actually performed is within the SEZ ; or

(ii) in respect of services specified in rule 5 of the POP Rules, the place where the property is located or intended to be located is within the SEZ; or

(iii) in respect of services other than those falling under clauses (i) and (ii), the recipient does not own or carry on any business other than the operations in SEZ;

(2) If specified services received by the unit of a SEZ or developer are not wholly consumed within SEZ, maximum refund shall be restricted to the extent of the ratio of export turnover of goods and services multiplied by the service tax paid on services other than wholly consumed services to the total turnover for the given period to which the claim relates, i.e.,

                        (Export turnover of goods +                           (Service tax paid on services
                        Services of SEZ Unit/Developer) X               other than wholly consumed
                                                                                                Services (both for SEZ and DTA)
Refund amount = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                            Total turnover for the period

(A)“refund amount” means the maximum refund that is admissible for the period;

(B) “export turnover of goods” means the value of final products and intermediate products cleared during the relevant period and exported;

(C) “export turnover of services” means the value of the export service calculated in the following manner, namely:-
(Export turnover of services = payments received during the relevant period for export services + export services whose provision has been completed for which payment had been received in advance in any period prior to the relevant period – advances received for export services for which the provision of service has not been completed during the relevant period)

(D) “total turnover” means sum total of the value of-
(a) all excisable goods cleared during the relevant period including exempted goods, dutiable goods and excisable goods exported;
(b) export turnover of services determined in terms of clause (C) and the value of all other services, during the relevant period; and

3) for the purpose of claiming exemption, the Unit of a SEZ or developer shall obtain a list of services that are liable to service tax as are required for the authorised operations approved by the Approval Committee (hereinafter referred to as the specified services) of the concerned SEZ.

(4) for the purpose of claiming exemption (i.e not refund) , the unit of a SEZ or developer shall also furnish a declaration in Form A-1, verified by the Specified Officer of the SEZ.

(5) the unit of a SEZ or developer claiming the exemption shall declare that the specified services on which exemption and/ or refund is claimed, have been used for the authorised operations.

(5) the unit of a SEZ or developer claiming the exemption by way of refund, should have paid the amount indicated in the invoice, bill or as the case may be, challan, including the service tax payable, to the person liable to pay the said tax or the amount of service tax payable under reverse charge, as the case may be, under the provisions of the said Act;

(6) no CENVAT credit of service tax paid on the specified services used for the authorised operations in a SEZ has been taken under the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004;

(7) no refund shall be available on services wholly consumed for operations in the Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) worked out in the same manner as clauses (i) and (ii) of the explanation to condition (a);

(8) exemption or refund of service tax paid on the specified services other than wholly consumed services used for the authorised operations in a SEZ shall not be claimed except under this notification;

(9) the unit of a SEZ or developer, who intends to avail exemption and or refund under this notification, shall maintain proper account of receipt and use of the specified services on which exemption is claimed, for authorised operations in the SEZ.

10. Procedure for claiming the benefit of the exemption contained in this notification,

(a) the unit of a SEZ or developer, who has paid the service tax leviable under section 66B of the said Act shall avail the exemption by filling a claim for refund of service tax paid on specified services used for the authorised operations;

(b) the unit of a SEZ or developer who is registered as an assessee under the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944) or the rules made thereunder, or the said Act or the rules made thereunder, shall file the claim for refund in Form A-2

c) the unit of a SEZ or developer who is not so registered under the provisions referred to in clause (b), shall, before filing a claim for in Form A-3;

(d) the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, shall, after due verification, allot a service tax code number to the unit of a SEZ or developer, referred to in clause (c), within seven days from the date of receipt of the said declaration, in Form A-3;

(e) claim for refund shall be filed, within one year from the end of the month in which actual payment of service tax was made by such developer or unit, to the registered service provider or such extended period as the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, shall permit;

(f) the refund claim shall be accompanied by the following documents, namely:-

 (i) a copy of the list of specified services as are required for the authorized operations in the SEZ, as approved by the Approval Committee; wherever applicable, a copy of the declaration made in Form A-1;

(ii) invoice or a bill or as the case may be, a challan, issued in accordance with the provisions of the said Act or rules made thereunder, in the name of the unit of a SEZ or developer, by the registered service provider, along with proof of payment for such specified services used for the authorised operations and service tax paid, in original;

(iii) a declaration by the unit of a SEZ or developer, claiming such exemption, to the effect that—
(A) the specified services on which refund of service tax claimed, has been used for the authorized operations in the SEZ ;

(B) proper account of the specified services received and used for the authorised operations are maintained by the developer or unit of the SEZ and the same shall be produced to the officer sanctioning refund, on demand;

(C) accounts or documents furnished by the unit of a SEZ or developer as proof of payment of service tax claimed as refund, based on the invoice, or bill , or as the case may be challan issued by the registered service provider indicating the service tax paid on such specified services, are true and correct in all respects.

(g) the Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, after verifying that,-
(i) the refund claim is complete in all respects;
(ii) the information furnished in Form A-2 and in supporting documents correctly indicate the service tax involved in the specified services used for the authorised operations in the SEZ, which is claimed as refund, and has been actually paid to the service provider,
shall refund the service tax paid on the specified services;

(h) a service provider shall provide the specified services falling under wholly consumed category, under ab initio exemption granted by this notification, to a unit of a SEZ or developer, for authorised operations, subject to the submission of list specified in condition (c) under paragraph 2 and a declaration in Form A-1;

(i) where any refund of service tax paid on specified services is erroneously refunded for any reasons whatsoever, such service tax refunded shall be recoverable under the provisions of the said Act and the rules made there under, as if it is recovery of service tax erroneously refunded;

11. Words and expressions used in this notification and defined in the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 (28 of 2005) or the rules made thereunder, shall apply, so far as may be, in relation to refund of service tax under this notification as they apply in relation to a SEZ.
Explanation.- For the purposes of this notification, “statutory auditor” refers to a Chartered Accountant who audits the annual accounts of the unit of a SEZ or developer for the purposes of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) or the Income tax Act, 1961(43 of 1961). 

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