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Sunday, 19 February 2012

U/s 65 (105)(zzzh) Construction of Residential Complex Service.

Assesees has to find the optimum Liability (Least) from the following available options:
1.If Cenvat credit taken on inputs/Capital goods/input services.
2. If avails Notification 12/2003-ST.
3. If Abatement @ 75% when Gross Amount include Value of Materials And Land
4. If Abatement @ 67% when Gross Amount include Value of Materials BUT NOT Land

Abatements shall not apply if the following is availed:
1. Cenvat credit on inputs/Capital goods/input services.
2. Service Provider availed benefit of exemption U/n 12/2003-ST.( in respect of value of goods and materials sold by him to the service recipient )

Quantum of Abatements if Gross amount Charged included:
                        1. Value of Materials And Land: Abatement @ 75%.
                        2. Value of Materials BUT NOT Land:  Abatement @ 67%.
Ms Abbat Constructions Mumbai has the following details                            Particulars                                                                             Rs in Lakhs
1. Value of Land used for Building apartment                                    50000
2.  Value of the apartment ( Inc: Service & Inputs )                           120000
            ( Service - 50000 , Inputs - 70000)
                        Total                                                                            170000

Costs Incurred for Ms Abbat:
1. Value of Excisable inputs used                                                       60000
2. Value of Specific Capital goods used                                             15000
3. Value of Input services used                                                          10000
Excise duty @ 8.24% and Service Tax @ 10.3% extra
Selection of the optimum Liability:

Step 1
If Cenvat credit taken on inputs / Capital goods /
input services.
Value of Apartment (Gross amount charged)                                    120000
Service Tax  Liability @10.3%                                                           12360
Less: Cenvat credit Taken on
            1. Inputs 60000 @ 8.24%                                                       4944
            2. Capital Goods 15000 @ 8.24% (100% taken)                   1236
            3. Input Services 10000 @ 10.3%                                          1030   
            Service tax payable                                                              5150

Step 2
If Service Provider avails benefit of exemption
U/n 12/2003-ST
Value of Services (Gross amount charged)                                       50000
Service Tax Liability @10.3%                                                                        5150
Less: Cenvat credit Taken on
            1. Inputs 60000 @ 8.24%( Not Available U/n 12/2003)          Nil
            2. Capital Goods 15000 @ 8.24% (100% taken)                   1236
            3. Input Services 10000 @ 10.3%                                          1030   
            Service tax payable                                                              2884

Step 3
If Abatement @75% - when Gross Amount include
Value of Materials And Land
Total Value (Gross amount charged)                                                 170000
Less:    Abatement @75%                                                                  127500
            Taxable Value                                                                         42500
             Service tax payable @ 10.3%                                             4378

Step 4
If Abatement @ 67% - when Gross Amount include Value
of Materials BUT NOT Land
Total Value (Gross amount charged)                                                 120000
Less:    Abatement @ 67%                                                                 80400
            Taxable Value                                                                         39600
             Service tax payable @ 10.3%                                             4079

Summary Analysis:

Cenvat Credit
12/2003 ST


Service Tax Payable

It shall be concluded that Availing Notification no 12/2003 ST is the best option in the case of Ms Abbat Constructions Mumbai

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing blog residential construction site.
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